
A complete line of sharpening products for every use and need.

Tactical Carbide Sharpener

Tactical carbide sharpener can be used to sharpen all plain blade kitchen, sport, tactical, outdoor and utility knives. It is extremely lightweight and durable and works quickly and easily.

Model #DescriptionPrice
EE01Tactical Carbide Sharpener$14.99

Carbide Knife & Tool Sharpener

Carbide knife & tool sharpener is perfect for your kitchen, sport, outdoor and utility knives. It’s easy to use and works very quickly.

Model #DescriptionPrice
EE02Carbide Knife & Tool SharpenerAvailable Early to Mid 2012

Multi Purpose Carbide Sharpener

Multi purpose carbide sharpener is the perfect sharpener for Knives, Scissors, Pruners, Hatchets, Axes, Broad Heads, etc.

Model #DescriptionPrice
EE03Multi Purpose Carbide Sharpener$9.99